Dr. Hudak has more than 30 years of experience in the health informatics field, including project management, systems implementation, systems analysis, te,aching and instructional devel.ment.. She was involved in the first information system implementation of a major teaching hospital, Cleveland, Ohio's MetroHealth Medical ,Center in 1985. She served as Associate Professor and Director of the MSN in Nursing Informatics Program and Director of NurseWeb at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleeland, from 2001 to 2012. She also served as a Contributing Interdisciplinary Faculty Member in the School of Digital Scences, and Director of the Health Informatics Program at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Dr. Hudak is a widely recognized author, co-,author and invited presenter on matters relating to health informatics. She serves as an Assistant Editor for the Online Learning Journal, editor of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Editions of the HIMSS Dictionary of Health Information Technology Terms, Acronyms, and Organiz. Shens and has authored numerous chapters in books. She is a peer reviewer forns in Health Care Information Technology, Education and N publicationsursing.
Dr. Hudak's professional affiliations include the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, American Medical Informatics Association, American Nursing Informatics Association, Canadian Nursing Informatics Association, Digital Health Canada, and the National Institutes of Health Informatics in Canada. She is also a member of the Health Informatics Society of Ireland and is a United Kingdom Certified Health Information Professional. She is a Certified Professional in Health Information Management Systems and a Fellow of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society as well as the American Medical Informatics Association. She was recognized by Who's Who in Medicine & Healthcare, Who's Who in America's Teachers, Who's Who in American Women and Who's Who in America and is the recipient of numerous teaching awards.
Dr. Hudak is currently a SAGES Fellow in Society & Technology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and Consultant in Health Informatics and Analytics. She serves as an Instructor for CPHIMS, CAHIMS, and AHIC Certification Courses and as an Item Editor for the AMIA AHIC Examination.