Canadian Nursing Informatics Association


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  • 7 Dec 2023 10:53 AM | Tracie Risling (Administrator)

    As we continue to engage with nurses across the country to advance digital health and nursing informatics we are pleased to introduce three new regional chapters. The Atlantic, Prairie and BC-North groups are in the process of forming and will be launching webpages on this site soon! When you renew your CNIA membership for 2024 you will be asked to identify your geographic region and automatically be enrolled in your regional chapter (if available). The Chapter groups have exciting plans for connecting folks within their regions and we look forward to this opportunity to continue to build our national CNIA network! 

  • 29 Aug 2022 12:26 PM | Tracie Risling (Administrator)

    Peggy White and Lynn Nagle are continuing the advance the discussion of national clinical data standards in Canada through a new briefing note. You can download it on our Nursing Data Standards page and join the conversation! 

  • 14 May 2022 9:51 AM | Deleted user

    The CNIA Executive is accepting nominations for several positions.

    Positions available include:

    • Co-Treasurer (2 positions)
    • Co-Director of Research (1 position)

    Please use this form to nominate a candidate for a position by 11:59 PM Pacific Time June 3, 2022.

    Eligible incumbents for both Co-Treasurer roles are reoffering for another 2-year term. Current mid-term candidate is standing for Co-Director of research. Confirmation of candidates will be announced June 7, 2022

    Voting will be conducted between June 8th and 17th at 11:59 PM EDT. A link to a Doodle Poll election survey will be issued to all CNIA members for voting. If no additional nominations are received, the incumbents will be acclaimed.

    Announcement of CNIA Executive elections will take place at the CNIA Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 23, 2022 via Zoom.

  • 24 Apr 2022 4:41 PM | Deleted user

    The Canadian Chief Nursing Officer role has been reinstated. Strong leadership has never been more important for nurses across the country.  See the response below:

    CNIA CNO Position Statement
  • 24 Apr 2022 4:39 PM | Deleted user
    There is an ever increasing focus on implementing and optimizing information technology in healthcare settings. The role of the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) is well established across Canada, but the role of the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO) has not received the same amount of recognition. See the paper below for more details about the role, and the infographic for associated competencies for nursing informatics leaders.

    The Value of CNIOs in Canada



  • 19 Feb 2022 11:52 AM | Deleted user

    La traduction française suit.

    **New award: Diversifying & Strengthening Nursing Informatics**

    At CNIA, we recognize that there is a persistent homogeneity in nursing leadership and informatics, with members frequently belonging to historically dominant and privileged groups that do not reflect the diversity of the nursing profession nor of the Canadian population.

    To help address this issue, we’re thrilled to launch a new award for diversifying and strengthening nursing informatics in Canada. Two $500 awards and free virtual conference registration will be made available.

    Applicants (nurses or nursing students) will be asked to share how historically under-represented perspectives in nursing informatics, including their own, are necessary to improve digital health for all (i.e., the use of data and digital technologies in healthcare - including social media and apps).

    CNIA membership is not required to apply, but we encourage all applicants to join. Remember – student membership is free! The deadline to apply is now Friday April 29th, 11:59pm EST.

    For further instructions and the link to the Google submission form, please download this pdf.


    Nouveaux prix : Diversifier et renforcer l’informatique infirmière

    Au CNIA, nous reconnaissons qu’il existe une homogénéité persistante dans le direction infirmier et l’informatique, les membres appartenant souvent à des groupes historiquement dominants et privilégiés qui ne reflètent pas la diversité de la profession infirmière ni de la population canadienne.

    Pour aider à résoudre ce problème, nous sommes heureux de lancer un nouveau prix pour la diversification et le renforcement de l’informatique infirmière au Canada. Deux prix de 500 $ et l’inscription gratuite au conférence virtuelle seront offerts.

    Les candidats (infirmières ou étudiantes en soins infirmiers) seront invités à expliquer comment les perspectives historiquement sous-représentées en informatique des soins infirmiers, y compris les leurs, sont nécessaires pour améliorer la santé numérique pour tous (donc l’utilisation des données et des technologies numériques dans les soins de santé - y compris les médias sociaux et les applications).

    L’adhésion à l’ACII n’est pas obligatoire, mais nous encourageons tous les candidats à s’inscrire. N’oubliez pas que l’adhésion des étudiants est gratuite! La date limite pour présenter une demande est le 29 avril, 2022, 23h59.

    Pour plus d'instructions et le lien vers le formulaire de soumission Google, veuillez télécharger ce pdf.

  • 13 Feb 2022 8:18 AM | Deleted user

    The recording of our February webinar "InPlace Software: Overview of how placement software can be used within the academic institution coupled with integration to hospitals" is now available in the Members area of our website.

  • 9 Dec 2021 12:18 PM | Deleted user

    The second report from the PHAC Pan Canadian Health Data Strategy Expert Advisory Group has been published!  Our own past-president, Glynda Rees, is a member of this group, ensuring CNIA has a voice at the table.

    Click here for more information

  • 9 Dec 2021 6:32 AM | Deleted user

    Our survey has questions for both members and nonmembers and your input is essential as we continue to evolve the CNIA. We welcome everyone to participate and thank you for the few minutes of your time the survey will take.

    Click Here To Complete Our Survey

    Digital health integration continues to accelerate in Canada and around the world and nursing informatics has never been a more essential part of this ongoing transformation. Get connected to the future at the CNIA!

    Our membership drive is open, if you are a member, please renew now, or join us for the first time! There are exciting things in the works to deliver value for your investment.

    Thank you,

    Sonia Pagliaroli and Judy Fleming

    Membership Directors

  • 13 Nov 2021 1:46 PM | Deleted user

    The recording of our November webinar,  3 years post-implementation of a Patient Portal at a Pediatric Health Centre: What’s next?, is now available in the Members section of our website.  Please note that you must have an active membership to access this section of the website.  To learn more about becoming a member, please visit

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