Using ICNP for Nursing Documentation and Outcome Evaluation
This presentation will demonstrate how the use of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)—a standardized terminology language—embedded within an electronic documentation system can enrich nursing documentation and automate data collection and extraction to support continuous quality improvement. By attending this presentation, participants will: 1. Gain increased awareness of how the use of ICNP can demonstrate the value of nursing practice. 2. Learn how to integrate ICNP within electronic documentation systems. 3. Understand how nurses can contribute to the expansion of ICNP and its adoption across Canada. Presenter: Rita Wilson RN, MEd., MN
RITA WILSON RN, M Ed., MN is the eHealth Program Manager at the RNAO. Her passion for technology and nursing fuels her drive to optimize patient safety and health outcomes by developing and disseminating technological solutions that foster evidence-based practice. Rita is currently leading the cutting-edge work on the development of order sets to complement RNAO’s Best Practice Guidelines. RNAO’s BPG Order SetsTM are designed to translate knowledge into practice as they are embedded into electronic documentation systems. Rita completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and her Masters of Nursing degrees at Ryerson University. She also obtained a Masters of Education degree at the University of Calgary. Rita has over twenty years of nursing experience in neurology, rehabilitation and public health.
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